Monday, September 10, 2018

The Road Not Taken- An Analysis

The Road Not Taken
-          Robert Frost
                Robert Frost is one of the important American poets. He is highly regarded for his realistic depiction of rural life. “The Road Not Taken” is a simple poem which has a philosophical insight about making choices in life.
In this poem, the poet shares an incident that happened in his life. Once the poet goes into the woods and stands in front of the two divergent road. This poem itself is a metaphor. It is about the journey of life. Similar situation occurs in everyone’s life. He is sorry that he could not travel in both the roads. In this poem, the poet says that one road is travelled by many and it is very clean whereas the other one is grassy. Only few people might have used it. If one road is chosen, there is no choice for a return. The poet stands for a long time wondering which way to choose. After considering different prospects, the poet chooses the road that is less travelled. He reserves the other road for another day.
Though this poem seems to be very simple, it conveys a deeper message to the human beings. Everyone experiences similar dilemma different stages of life. Whatever decision is taken at a crucial time, the individual becomes responsible for it. Moreover, this poem showcases the adventurous attitude of the poet. Because, he does not take the road which is very clean and travelled by many. Whereas, he takes risk by choosing the road that is less travelled.
This poem hints at the personal experiences of the poet also. Because, at the beginning of his career, Frost involved himself in different vocation. Later, he tried his hand in writing and became very successful. The poem ends with a sigh of relief. The poet acknowledges that his decision was right.
“I took the one less travelled by,
 And that has made all the difference”.
Though many critics accept that this poem has an autobiographical touch, some claim that he wrote this poem to make fun of a friend who used to procrastinate at the crossroads. “The Road Not Taken” consists of four stanzas of five lines. The rhyme scheme is ABAAB.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Two Gentle Man of Verona- Essay

Two Gentlemen of Verona
- A.J.Cronin
A.J. Cronin’s short story “Two Gentlemen of Verona” illustrates selfless help and dedication towards relationship. The story revolves around two young boys named Nicola and Jacapo. The story begins with the author’s visit to the city of Verona. His car was stopped by two small boys who were selling strawberries. They were shabbily dressed. The driver cautioned the author against purchasing the fruits. The boys were very skinny but their eyes were sincere. So, the author took an instant liking for these boys and bought a basket of strawberries.
Next morning, the author noticed those two boys polishing shoes. The boys smiled and told him that they do many other kinds of jobs, like escorting tourists around the city. The author discovered that the boys were very friendly and innocent. However, beneath their cheerful smiles,he could recognize seriousness and sadness. He was struck by their interest to do more and more work. But he was surprised to see their poor clothes and bad food habit. 
Before leaving the city, the author asked if he could do something for them. Nicola, the elder one refused, but the younger one requested to drive them to Poleta, 30 kms away. As a last gesture of goodwill, the author volunteered to drive the boys himself.  The following afternoon, they all drove to the tiny village, near a hill. The author was surprised to halt beside a villa. The boys leapt out and asked the author to pick them up from the same place, after an hour. Out of curiosity, he went in and was greeted by a nurse. Through a glass partition, the author saw that the boys were seated beside a girl aged 20, who appeared to be their sister.
The author didn’t wish to interrupt a happy family reunion. So he did not enter the room. The nurse revealed that the children’s father had been killed in a war, and a bomb had destroyed their house. Since the Germans ruled the city for many years, the children had to undergo a lot of suffering. Their sister, Lucia, who wanted to be a singer, couldn’t bear the cold and starvation, and contracted tuberculosis of the spine. The boys brought Lucia there, and every week, they brought enough money for her treatment.
Later, the author was rejoined by the boys and they drove back to the city. The boys remained tight-lipped, and the author also decided to remain quiet. Because he respected their privacy. The author left the city filled with admiration, at the courage and relentless effort of two young boys who remained determined despite the setbacks of the war.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

The Village School Master- An Analysis

The Village School Master

            "The Village Schoolmaster" by Oliver Goldsmith is an extract from  “The Deserted Village”. The poet returns to the village and finds it deserted. This poem is a lighthearted reflection of his village school master Mr. Thomas Paddy Byrne. As the poet himself was a pupil of this school master, he is able to create an authentic picture of him. 
            The village school master’s little school was situated next to the damaged fence. Goldsmith recalls the characteristics of the master with a mixed feeling of fear, respect and humour. He was known as a strict person. He was familiar to all the truants in the village because they had endured the master’s rage. When he cracks jokes, the children used to burst out in “counterfeited” laughter in order to avoid punishment.
            The trembling pupils were curious to know the day’s misfortunes on his face. If they observe a frown, they circulate the gloomy news throughout the class. Though he was stern, he was kind hearted too. He had an intense love for learning also.
            The villagers admired the school master’s knowledge. He was able to read and write well. He was good at arithmetic also. He could also survey land, forecast weather and tides. The village parson approved of his skills in debate. He was able to continue his argument even after losing a debate. He won the arguments with his thundering voice.
            The poem ends on a note of humour. The villagers gaze at him whenever they pass the school. They wonder how his small head could keep that enormous hoard of knowledge. Thus the poet describes the characteristics of the village school master.

Death, Be Not Proud by John Donne- An Analysis

  Death, Be Not Proud -         John Donne John Donne is a famous metaphysical poet. His "Death, Be Not Proud" is one of his...