Wednesday, February 10, 2021

To Know When to Say 'It's None of Your Business' by Mark McCornmack

To Know When to Say It’s None of Your Business

-          Mark McCormack

Mark McCormack was an American Lawyer and writer. He was dealing with the sports figures like Tiger Woods, Wayne Gretzky, Andre Agassi etc. through his IMG, International Management Group. In the given essay, he discusses the need for not interfering into the personal space of others at the work place.

The Snoop

            Mark McCormack begins the essay making a reference to an executive who was an incorrigible snoop. He was more interested in knowing the personal details of others. He enquires in such a way people cannot deny the information he asks for. He collects information both about the superiors as well as the subordinates. Though it was an irritating behaviour, the writer points out that his behaviour was harmless and he did not intend any harm to others based on the information he collects.

The Two Things to be Avoided

            According to the writer one should be very careful while handling the information related to the following two things:

            1. Someone else’s Money

            2. Someone else’s Personal life.

These are the two sensitive things that people will hesitate to share. So, the writer advises that one should avoid asking details related to these. If anyone shows more curiosity in collecting such details it may end in disappointment and misunderstanding.

A Client’s Behaviour

            Mark McCormack shares a client’s unacceptable behaviour. Once, a writer was given the task of writing a textbook. The deal regarding money was sealed ahead of the project. When the work was in progress, he wanted to know the contribution of the illustrator for this work and his remuneration. So he made a call to the writer’s company and asked the details of the payment made to the illustrator. Though the request sounded innocent, the writer opines that it is wrong and the request was denied consequently.

The Danger of Sharing Personal Life

            The essayist conveys that sharing the personal details with the co-workers is not necessary and it may harm one’s stay in a work place. He alludes an embarrassing incident to prove his point. Once a professional developed a warm friendship with the CEO and shared all the details regarding his personal life and commitments. On another occasion, when the employee fails to answer one of the questions asked by the CEO, the boss says “May be you’d know more if you didn’t spend your evenings on the phone to your girl friend in Chicago”.  He ditches the employee that he is wasting his time with his girl friend. Literally, the boss insults the employee based on the information shared with him in a private conversation. Hence, the writer affirms that one need not disclose the personal details at the work place for the individual’s safety and dignity.


            The writer concludes that there are people who are more interested in knowing other’s personal details. We are not sure who is harmless and harmful. Hence, one should try to maintain a professional relationship at the work place to avoid unnecessary problems in future. It is better that one should neither ask other’s personal details nor share such details.Hence one should learn to say "It's None of Your Business" whenever needed.

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