Gift of the Magi
“The Gift of the Magi” is
a well-known short story by O. Henry. The original name of the author is William
Sydney Porter. This story was first published in1905.
The story narrates the
life of a young married couple James who is known as Jim and Della
Dillingham. The couple lives in a modest apartment. They have only two valuable
possessions: Jim's gold pocket watch that belonged to his grandfather and
Della's long hair that falls almost to her knees.
It is Christmas Eve. Della
wants to buy Jim a Christmas present. But, she has only $1.87. When Della looks
at herself in the mirror, she suddenly gets an idea. She sells her hair for
$20.00. With that money, she buys a platinum chain for $21.00. She is very
happy about the present. She thinks that the chain will add beauty to his watch.
When Jim comes home
from work, he stares at Della. She prays to God that he should not find the
absence of her hair at first sight. She admits that she sold her hair to buy
his present. Before she can give it to him, however, Jim pulls a package out of
his overcoat pocket and gives it to her. Inside, Della finds a pair of costly
decorative hair combs that she admired once. But, they are now completely
useless since she has cut off the hair. Hiding her tears, she holds out her
gift for Jim- the watch chain. Jim tells Della that he has sold his watch to
buy her present. He asks her to forget about the presents and enjoy the
Christmas eve saying “They’re too nice to use just at present”.
The story ends with a
comparison of Jim and Della's gifts to the gifts that the Magi, the three
wise men who visited Baby Jesus. The narrator concludes that Jim and Della
are far wiser than the Magi because their gifts are gifts of love. Those who
give out of love and self-sacrifice are truly the wisest since they know the
value love. Their deed is nothing but, as the writer says, “generosity added to
The Gift of the
Magi is a classic example of irony in literature. The author ends the
story with a twist which surprises the readers. Thus, O. Henry illustrates true
love in the story “Gift of the Magi”.
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